About Ecoplate


ECOPLATE increases energy efficiency in electroplating processes and plants, with an equal focus on the efficiency of materials. With ECOPLATE, Fraunhofer IPA and MMRI at Chulalongkorn University will establish a joint research and development (R+D) station in Bangkok. The station is developing long-term R+D strategies and projects, with a strong focus on the future needs of the electroplating industry. 

Why electroplating?

Electroplating is the most widely used surface technology for metallic layers around the world. It is used in all industrial markets, including the machine building, automotive, aeronautics, consumer products, electronics and sanitary equipment industries. Because of the specific features and broad range of applications of electroplating, this technology has the potential to enhance efficiency in many areas. Together with the fact that there are only a few research groups dealing with electroplating around the world, this underlines the strategic importance of the cooperation between MMRI and IPA.